
5th Nov COVID 19 Update - Limited Opening

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain" Vivian Green 

Photo: Dan Arkle

What's happening now?

  • We're following guidance from Sport England, Mountain Training, The BMC and AMI and looking at legislation published here:


    > Page 6 section Exceptions: leaving home paragraph 6 (4) (a) and (b) allows work, education and training.

    > Page 12 section Exceptions in relation to gatherings paragraph 11 (3) (a), (b) allows work or education with a group of people.

    There are obvious limitations around what we can offer, what we feel we should be offering and also if you can actually attend

  • Everyone with existing bookings currently due between Nov 5th and Dec 2nd has been contacted about rescheduling
  • Our Climbing Wall and Shop are Closed
  • Our Scheduled Courses are on hold
  • We're taking bookings as usual for courses running from 2nd December

What can we provide?

    • 1:1 tuition outdoors for all of our activities
    • Private educational courses to be discussed on a case by case basis
    • Technical Work and Consultancy
    • Online Sales of all of our activities and gift vouchers

    What about travel?

    Guidance provided from the government suggests the following:

    "You should look to reduce the number of journeys you make. However, you can and should still travel to spend time or exercise outdoors – this should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel to do so if necessary, for example, to access an open space."

    With regards to travelling outside of your local area for education, training and work - there doesn't appear to be anything in the legislation about this. 

    What we are doing to help keep you safe

    • Shared equipment will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours prior to use.
    • We are asking all parties to bring their own hand gel and clean hands regularly.
    • We will meet at a set venues rather than our training centre.
    • We will endeavour to keep 2 metres apart at all times where practicable.
    • Should any staff member develop symptoms or have been in contact with someone showing symptoms and we cannot find a replacement staff member, we will need to reschedule the course. We will not be liable for any travel or accommodation costs that you may incur.
    • We will be in touch with you if we find out if any staff member has been in contact with anyone showing symptoms.
    • If we travel as part of the day, this will happen in separate vehicles. So you will be required to bring your own vehicle

    How you can help keep us safe

    • Please bring your own equipment where possible.
    • Please endeavour to keep a safe distance away from your instructor.
    • Please wash hands whenever possible.
    • Bring hand gel.

        Our Covid-19 amended terms and conditions will remain in place for the time being. Meaning that you can reschedule the course beforehand should you need to self isolate.

            We will be doing everything we can to do to mitigate the risk however by attending a course with us, you are aware that you are exposing yourself to some degree of risk of contracting coronavirus.

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